Sunday, January 4, 2015

Black and White Jake

Jake says... I love me some pine cones

ALERT! I just found out that our browsers have a list of ALL saved passwords that can be accessed if we forget one. This means anyone with access to your computer can see your passwords... If you allow a geek access by remote to help you, they can grab your passwords and so can the geeks where we drop it off.
This means do not SAVE your password to your bank or anywhere you shop that allows you to use your credit card info that is  saved there. think Amazon.
If you want instructions on how to view yours and delete them, email me.

My friend allowed a repair person in by remote access and he stole her Email password and FB and locked her out. she had to start a new email and a new FB. She lost all her email addresses and all her friends on FB and had to start over.


DeniseinVA said...

That is scary, thanks for the heads up and Jake looks great in black and white.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Very scary...luckily for us, my hubby works in computer security...

Jake is looking very intent on his pine cone!!

Ann Thompson said...

I hope that repair person loses their job. That's horrible. It's sad that you can't trust people.
I don't normally store my passwords but I guess I should check. Can you email the instructions?

Inger said...

I like his white paws.

Marie said...

Jake reminds me so much of Rocket. :) Rocket eats pine cones too. :)
huggies to Baby & Jake!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Jake must really love those pine cones.

Good information. I have set everything not to save passwords but I still check every once in awhile to make sure they are not save.