Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday Night Live Or NOT

 Hang on there Jake... your sliding off the sofa.
 In case you want to know, YES we do have two sofas and this is what our dogs do on Saturday Night


Catherine said...

That's about as exciting as I get on a Saturday night too. ;)

Hope you are having a happy weekend!
xo Catherine

Bonnie said...

This is what Saturday night's are for cuddling up with one another and taking a snooze!


TexWisGirl said...

oh, had me busting out laughing!!! too cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Baby got the best spot!! Does this happen every time or does he always end up with the short end of the tail?

Ann said...

Doesn't look much different from the way I spend my Saturday night except my butt usually isn't hanging off the edge of the couch :)

Deb said...

that is adorable....