Saturday, April 30, 2011

Egret on a tight rope

 Beautiful eyes, don't you think?

This Egret was fishing from the ropes that tie the boats to the dock in front of our library.


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful and talented too! :)

Brenda's Arizona said...

Great photos, Sandra!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K. how did you train the bird to walk the tightrope for you? Fishing? I don't think so!! I just knew you couldn't leave those birds alone, Har har har!!!!

Ann said...

You just keep blowing me away with these awesome shots. I want a camera just like yours. Oh and of course I will also need your beautiful scenery and your steady hand and there may be a few other things too. I'll let you

Catherine said...

Very pretty eyes ~ and such a good acrobat standing on those ropes!! :)
xo Catherine