Monday, February 22, 2021

NOON update on Beau


Mama Here with an update. I spent the whole morning, on phone and in car trying to find a vet to see Beau. His vet is booked to Thursday. We have been considering finding a new one. We decide to try today 

Out of 13 vet offices within 6 minutes of our house, no one could see him today. 2 of the six are walkin clinics, having appointments every day but 3 weeks out for that and walkin means sitting in car and waiting until they can fit you in. One said maybe 3 hours to come back in the afternoon and see if it was better and the other said come down, call us, we will come fill out paperwork at yur car and call you when we can fit you in.

We drove in and there were 6 cars waiting we made 7, 4 cars had dogs waiting before us. I called and she said we will come out soon to fill out forms and I will put you on the walk in list. I said i filled the forms on line and brought them with me. She said Great I will be right there to get them. ONE hour later, no sign of her and only 2 dogs had come out in one hour. 

I called her and said we were leaving and she said I am sorry, you ARE on the waiting list, We left. went to another walk in, there was no room in the parking lot, and I went in and there were 17 people smashed together i chairs like sardine in a can. 17 dogs waiting.. We left.

The temp is 82 F in the shade and in the parking lot was 102, the ac was not helping much in the car and it was to hot to stand in the parking lot. no people allowed in side. we did not like that. we are having a heat wave

SO we will wait and see... Beau is in no pain unless he bends down to the right towards the floor. He is suffering because he can't pick up his beloved ball, but is in no pain. eats and does all things from walk to poop and pee and sleeps most of the time. It breaks my heart over that silly ball. we will figure he is healed when he doesn't yelp. even though he knows it will hurt he has twice tried to pick it up.

I will not be posting or emailing or doing much tomorrow unless their is an update. My brain doesn't function when my baby is  not well.


easyweimaraner said...

oh noo what an odyssee... we have all our paws and fingers crossed... that is such a horrible time ;O(

Rose said...

Have him in my prayers.. will keep fingers crossed, too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Unbelievable how busy they are. Poor Beau. Praying he heals quickly on his own. Glad he is eating and things are functioning normally otherwise.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What GIVES with so many dogs being sick!!!! I am so sorry!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sending lots of POTP that your Mama finds a vet for you to see and you start feeling better real soon Beau!!

Ruby said...

Oh noes! Is there an Emergency Vet near you? You can do a search and see if there is, and if there is, give them a call or check their website for appts.
That's what I did for Ruby last week. I guess we're lucky, cause there are at least a half a dozen ER vets within 10 miles of us. The one we go to, there are two different ones right next to each other πŸ€”
I'll keep my paws crossed for you Beau, and sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens your way!
Ruby ♥

Chatty Crone said...

I read the wrong blog first - not sure what happened. Hope he is okay. Boy your vets are busy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor Beau, it's awful to need help and can't find it.

Sandee said...

I'm sorry you couldn't get in. Wow, that's a lot of offices that are packed to the gills. I hope Beau gets better soon.

Prayers continue. ♥

Martha said...

That's just crazy Sandra! Did you make the appointment with your regular very for Thursday at least, just in case Beau still isn't better? It's the same down this way in Venice. I switched vets after Missy's misdiagnosis and it took me almost three weeks before the new vet could get us in. Even when I went to Blue Pearl Emergency vet in Sarasota I had to wait well over three hours! I sure hope it's just a pulled muscle that will feel better in a day or two.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Hope you find an ER vet. He loves to scratch or rub himself on the fern and possible allergies comes to my mind.
I just pray you cause is detected and Beau gets well soon. Sending lots of good vibes.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All paws crossed. Wish we could help.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Millie and Walter said...

We're so sad to hear that with all those vets near you none of them could see him. We are keeping our paws crossed that he feels better soon or that you can find an appointment for him. Maybe you should make one just in case he still needs it and then cancel if he is better.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh no, we are so sorry! We'll cross our paws that Beau gets to feeling better and gets in to see the dogtor REAL soon.

Ann said...

Out of all those vet offices you would think at least one could have fit you in. Poor Beau. I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers for him

Mevely317 said...

I'm still shaking my head at the state of those veterinary clinics. 17 people and dogs in one little room makes me shudder. I hope you ALL have a good rest tonight πŸ™

Marvelous Marv said...

Wea are sending POTP for Beau! And Kitty Kisses for all of you!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You know my POTP is raging at 87 x light speed! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

KB said...

Sending POTP. I am so sorry that it is so hard to see a vet. That is terrible. Do you have emergency vets there? They have become more common here, and that's made a difference for us. That's where we go for urgent things.

I am thinking of you.

WFT Nobby said...

What a terribly difficult situation with finding a vet to see poor Beau. We're keeping you in our thoughts.
Sending love and hugs to you and Beau.
Gail and Bertie.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, the vets there are very busy! I hope and send healing prayers for Beau to recover on his own. I will be thinking of you all, HUGS!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sending lots of prayers that today dawned with Beau feeling better
Hugs Cecilia

Susan from Bucks County said...

Beau - get well real quick and make your Mama happy again!! (and us too)

DeniseinVA said...

Oh dear, what an awful day. Sad for you and for Beau but reading your other posts I am relieved he is doing so much better. Happy for his Mom and Dad.