Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Blessings of Beau on Sunday Selfie

We are now 24 days from Hurricane Milton and I wrote this post on day 11

 I am writing this, Oct 20, now 11 days since Milton. The blessings during the storm with Beau are as follows

He was never afraid, even when the hounds of hell were roaring around the house like a giant wolf was huffing and puffing and trying to blow the house down.

During the worst part, at 1:30 am, the northern edge of the eye was directly over our house, as I huddled in the hall, praying, he went in his closet/condo and to bed. for one hour the winds slammed and howled, the quiet of the eye came and the winds became tornadic winds, so said the radio I was clutching to my chest.

He peed/pooped every single day, outside, no matter what the storm was doing. 

He slept well as long as he was in the room with us.

Rattling generators, whining

humming songs from generator belts, noxious fumes that gave me a head ache, he slept and did his thing without complaint, 7 days of aftermath, he was our rock.

On one of the days, towards the end of 7 days of no power, the house next door, erupted into 3 pit bulls fight, loud and vicious, men cursing and fighting, dogs fighting, women and children screaming. It was Hell, I shook like a leaf during it and for and hour after. Beau never blinked and eye.

He had his annual visit with the vet, blood work, and shots, all $354.00 of it was done 2 days before Milton slammed us.  he was a good boy, and 3 days ago we got a text that all was clear and he is in good health. YAY

Beau was our Blessing! we hugged, rubbed, massaged him, stroked him and he is the best therapy dog EVER! He calmed our spirits and was our Rock. He also had us laughing at his antics, the same ones we laugh at every time he does them. We smiled because each morning he was so happy to go ride to get ice. 


Saturday, October 26, 2024

After Milton


Photos taken Oct 13th, 2024, windows open, cool air, no AC but we have it if we need it and the fridge has food in it. The thing is, the government is using our street for a detour while they put the traffic signals back together from pieces. we had 250 traffic signals torn down on the ground from Hurricane Milton, I LOVE IT, the windows are allowing me to hear all the noise and if I stretch my neck I can watch all the big trucks, semi's carrying food to Walmart and Publix, and 10 Power Trucks in a line like elephants and sirens and police cars and trucks with tractors. Lots to watch.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Lots of sleeping


I have been sleeping a lot since Hurricanes Debby, Helene and Milton left us reeling from power outages and mishcief in my back yard, I do not like our yard now, it makes me nervous. To see what taking the tree down did to my yard
follow this Link.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Bandit and the Chief


This came in a text from my human brother, on Oct 8th, 2024. Dan said, "Mom, this is not photoshopped." 
She said for me to use this for comic relief, because we are waiting on Hurricane Milton and Mama is beyond scared and I can FEEL her feelings and Daddy gets mad because she is scared, and she told me she thinks he is mad because he is scared and can't admit it.

She has overthought 12 times 12 and there is nothing in the house that is where it belongs.
As of now, Milton is expected early AM but will start its shenanigans Wed afternoon which means 
this has been in drafts since Oct 8
Mama put the above in drafts and 18 hour later, at 1:30 pm Oct 9th the power went out. It was sooo Hot, the house was quiet, dead quiet, nothing to do but WAIT!
this is me waiting

What? why is the house quiet, why are you and daddy sitting and the TV is not on?

It was 6 nights and 7 days with no power.
Good things and bad things for me.
Each day we had to buy ice, 2 bags, I got to ride to the icehouse 6 times.

From Hurricane Helene Sept 26th and Hurricane Milton, until still current, we can not/could not drink our water without boiling. For 2 weeks mama boiled my water, after Milton, she just let me drink the tap water and here I am, still alive.

I only missed 1 day of my walks out of 2 hurricanes. I did miss the park for 3 weeks 

The first hurricane, Helene, took 3 days to clean up, the power was out, and I lay panting so hard mama bathed me with cold rags and fed me ice and cried. She cried for me and for the 3 pit bulls next door, that each time the neighbor went out to eat or to ride because they were hot, they left the dogs in the house, and they barked and barked and broke Mama's heart. They did not bark when the people were home.

My mama did NOT leave me home alone at any time during the 3 weeks of storms.
After Hurricane Milton, a cool front came and by the open windows we were cool and could sleep. during the days, mid-day from 2 to 6 we were hot, but comfortable the rest of the time.

THE best thing about these 3 weeks is Mama did NOT take photos of me except for 3 times. The Pawparazzi was out of sorts and did not even think of using the cell phone power to take photos.

if you do not follow MadSnapper, mama's blog, there are a few hurricane stories there.  we will be back soon we hope
I did much better than my mama did... she was so upset, she forgot Daddy's birthday, and forgot my gotcha day and my birthday
that's ok, we survived to do it today.