Friday, December 14, 2018

nice list

If you can't read the graphic, this says I am patient, I sit, stay, come, heal. I walk perfectly, stay off human beds, potty only outside, entertain myself, sleep all night, I follow my inner clock, I am smart, loving and hug/kiss on demand.

Bring me the ball, She Said. What Ball I said? I don't fetch, but that doesn't count as naughty.

 I don't jump up on people, I don't bark, I meet visitors at the door by sitting and waiting for them to come in and kiss and hug me. I will eat anything THEY give me. I spend time in my crate voluntarily, except when someone closes the door while vacuuming and forgets to leave it open for me.

I have my parents well trained to get to the kitchen when I remind them it is meal time. So whats up with the silly Naughty part. Who would not refuse a bath? or get on a bed when home alone or sometimes lay down and refuse to walk when they turn around to go home....

Shhh they forgot to add Ate Half a Loaf of frozen bread that I filched off the counter, I thought it was mine. Ho Ho HO.... Even if that is true the Nice far out weighs the naughty list. Right?


Ann said...

Good boy BB. Gibbs would end up on the naughty list for sure.

eileeninmd said...


BB you are a good boy. Definitely not naughty!

Have a happy day!

My Mind's Eye said...

BB by all that you are able to do and your manners I say you must have been very much loved in your prior life. I'm twice as happy you found such love a 2nd time. Yep NICE out weighs naugty
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

What a super idea of chronicling BB's first Christmas list! Is he available for behavioral lessons, do you suppose? I know of two miniature terrors who might benefit. (Jus' saying ….)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Absolutely! And we think it's admirable that you protect the big bed when they're away!

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

Oh yes, I am sure they will forgive you for the frozen bread. You are a very good boy and I think Santa Paws will bring you many gifts this year. XOXO

Inger said...

Yes, it does. You are such a good dog and I'm sure Santa will be glad to bring you presents for Christmas. And that's quite a panther pose you got going there. You are, in addition to all the other good things about you, also a very handsome boy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I could read the original list! I love both making and reading lists. And in my opinion, the bad things are not really bad. He is just showing his feelings. Really bad would be barking at the mailman, biting, peeing and pooping inside, and chewing on things. He is an angel. Will he get a Christmas present?

KB said...

You really are absolute perfect, BB! I am so happy for your humans that they found *you*! And you helped heal their hearts!

Just Mags said...

You are doing mighty fine sweet Big Boy...that Nice list is much longer than the other one. You are a good boy! Hugs and nose kisses

lexitheschnauzer said...

Hi handsome! I think you are a very, very good boy. Me, I'm allowed to sleep on the bed, with and without the pawrents. My only bads this year have been stealing food off the kitchen counter and trying to eat something I took from under the tree. I was eating so fast I didn't realize it was really soap. Unfortunately, Dad caught me, took pictures, and Mom is telling on me soon. Thought you should know first.
Your loving girl, Lucy

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful boy you are BB!!
Rosy, Jakey & Arty

Ruby said...

You knows, I thinks Santa Paws is gonna be VERY impressed with you BB!!!! I knows I am! I always bark when someone knocks on my door! Butts Ma says that's okay, since it scares off the bad guys, and I sound like a pack of Rottweilers! BOL!
Ruby ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can tell you that Skye does not like her bath, she also lays down on her walk with Mark and she wants us to chase her to get the ball so we can throw it! Sounds like you are pretty smart and know a lot of things.